December 10, 2012



i feel so baaaaaaad today. i am a bad person. :'(

aku ada patient hari ni. appointment la. and aku just pick his name dari receptionist. mula-mula aku ingat dia okay lah. just a new patient macam biasa.

tapi bila aku nampak je dia, OMG!!, aku terus rasa sangat TAKUT. yeah. i am so scared. he is not malaysian. and he's from nigeria. warghhh.

at that moment, aku terus je terfikir nak cancel this patient, nak tipu lah ape je,cakap aku sakit perut ke, period pain ke, doctor tak de ke, or what so ever excuse that sound logic.

but hey, i am the one who called him, how should i cancel him?:"(

yang buat aku lagi takut sebab receptionist tu cakap dia dah lama tunggu. heh, aku ingat dia akan call aku once dia dah sampai. he is so tall and big. yeah, u heard me. BIG.

not that he is big in a sense of GEMOK, but just big, maybe because he is a tall man.

on the way dari level 6 nak balik cubicle aku, macam-macam dah aku fikir. aku sangat takut sebenarnya plus aku kan paranoid. terpaksa melayan diri sendiri berperang dengan perasaan. HAHA.

sampai je cubicle aku, terus aku mintak shivaani jadik chaperone. just in case u know. and lucky izzy offered herself to helped me. thanks izzy!:')

usually kalau tak ada chaperone pun ak still berani nak treat even tho patient lelaki, but not this patient. aku tabah kan hati, melawan perasaan time buat history taking. serius, i know that is not ethical aku berperasaan macam ni kan, but hey, aku TAKUT ok.

samapai lah waktu nak ambil xray, baru lah terlintas dekat hati aku ni, 'apsal lah aku macam ni kan?i have to be professional,'. sebab waktu tu aku rasa kesian sangat tengok muka dia. ntah lah. tiba-tiba aku rasa kesian sangat.

so lepas tu, baru lah aku boleh beramah sikit dengan dia. and aku boleh teruskan dengan scaling while izzy develop xray.

pheww. lepas habis je aku rasa lega sangat. lucky dia tak ada urgent case. kalau tak, tataw lah chek.

but hey, actually he is a nice man. dia tak ada la buat anythin yang tak sepatutnya kat aku kan *paranoid thinking* and he can bear with me.hehe.

so for the people out there, i will be professional nex time. i will try to do my best. insyaAllah. im still learning after all. huh.

till now, bye!

have a nice day everyone!:)

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